Thursday, May 2, 2019

C.R.A.S.E. the Crane

This might look like a huge mess to you but to me it looks like a challenge that I couldn't wait to get into! You see, 5  years ago I decided to “colorize” my house. I had no idea what that meant exactly but I went shopping, found a few things to decorate my walls and threw out some colorful pillows.

Little did I know that in two months I would go to an event that would change my life and explain the reason for my sudden need for lots of color everywhere! In June 2014 I went on a Walk to Emmaus pilgrimage retreat. I came back from that with not only a renewed sense of purpose but a God-sized dream in front of me that I could not wait to get started on. He gave me a  vision of a Ministry He wanted me to do, but very few details!

Over the next 5 years God and I did a lot of work on me~ in my heart and  in my thoughts. I knew I was in a holding pattern on the ministry… the only things I knew was the name I would use and the targeted people group I was to serve. “West Texas BLEST”—- going out to small West Texas Towns.

In February of 2018 He gave me a mascot to use for myself in ministry! The mascot was in the form of a grey “crowned crane”, standing with her leg up~ ready, willing and waiting to be obedient when He told her where to put her foot down (go) and when to do it (perfect timing). I told a few people about this and over the course of the last year have worked  the “crane” mascot story into a few of my speaking engagements.

Fast forward to March of 2019 ~on an ordinary Saturday~ when I got one hour to myself,  completely, and decided to go to one of my favorite old stomping grounds for the last 30 years or so ~Sam Moon Jewelry, Handbags, Luggage & Gifts~ in Dallas. I love costume jewelry! A bobble here and a bobble there always can make my heart happy so I went there  looking to see if there was a new trend of bracelet -necklace -earring ~something that I might like to get. For the first time in my life I noticed the “clearance rack” at Sam Moon! Suddenly, I found a necklace with a crane with lots of colorful bubbles all over the front of her and her leg was up! This is the stance that you have got to take if you are wanting to do God's will but you haven't already heard from Him what the next thing is!

So I bought all that they had and decided that if gals resonate with that idea that they could be a “C.R.A.S.E.” girl- a crazy crane girl like me~ who's hoping for the clear and direct instruction from God for finding their  purpose~ I would have this little “Ebenezer” - a reminder of God’s help for them- to wear and serve as a prompt to tell others about their obedience/faith journey. An “Ebenezer” reminding them to wait for instruction but get busy preparing their hearts and being obedient to wait for His timing. In my ‘waiting’ journey, REST in Him ~which means Really Engaged Soul Training~ was paramount!I had to prepare because when He “calls” us and tells us it's time, we've got to be ready to move.

I'm so thankful I got to go alone and was not in a hurry because I would have totally missed this darling heaven-hug,  God-wink, Omnipotent Nod! I would have been rushed to go in, look and leave.
When I checked out, several of the necklaces had gotten in a tangled mess in the bottom of the basket. I tried to separate them at the check-out but didn't have time to do it so I just told the clerk to put them in a bag and I’d deal with it later. I think it kind of freaked her out that I wasn't too bothered about it, but I saw it as a project that me and God could talk through. I would gain even more insight from from this massive heap of crane necklace mess!

Back in November 2018, when I chose my word for the coming year, I had already sensed God telling me to take off a bracelet I've been wearing for the last two-and-a-half years that said “be still”.
I knew He’d had me in the season of waiting but when He told my spirit in October that I was going to step out in January of 2019 to this ministry He had called me to, I knew that my word for the year was going to be “STEP”. In Colossians 3:16 it gives a great message about taking those steps and how we are  to do that is on a path with other people, holding us accountable, doing it with Thanksgiving, Joy and Song!

This messy pile of necklaces not only means that I now have a fun thing to offer people when they hear my story about my crane ~which, by the way, I saw cranes all over Israel last April and He confirmed in my spirit that this is indeed the mascot I'm supposed to have for my ministry~ but God takes our tangled messes and slowly, methodically, carefully separates out the problems and makes it crystal clear that our journey is not our own but entangled with lots of other lives! We are to go down the path together, helping each other to fulfill our purpose!

I hope that you will join me in my “C.R.A.S.E crane” , Ebenezer's Journey, where we will explore all the different things God has for you and for me in fulfilling our purpose. Life is good but God is better!  Let's get “CRASE” for Him and be willing, ready and obedient for our call when it comes. Like the Crane-We are Crowned, have Radiant personalities, are Anointed  followers of Christ, to be Servants, Eagerly awaiting to “do our thing”.  If you look for Jesus, even in the messy things of life~eyes, even a pile of tangled necklaces~you will find Him! He ALWAYS shows up!



Monday, April 15, 2019


The title came up and I wasn’t going to listen. And then, someone came to mind and I thought, ...I’ll listen for “her”. 

Through the tears that came instantly, the message became for me. I was the “her”who needed to hear this today. 

You see, I can easily encourage someone else most of the time but sometimes I’m too harsh to the girl in the mirror. My hair cut is bugging me, my weight has become a constant battle, my former high energy level has slowly drained away, a few relationships are hard,  and time is flying by too fast ... leaving me perplexed. And, where is the beautiful singing voice I always wanted? 

These frustrations come when I go “there” and start thinking of myself, not others, and especially not thinking of my awesome God. So, in my self-preservation mode, I try to usually focus on others and Him. 

But, sometimes I wallow in my despair and forget the confidence from God I try to live by. 

Life is hard for everyone. 

But, not everyone tries to find the good in every situation, look for the lesson, learn from the momentary suffering, and find JOY in the journey. They major in minors and are ungrateful.

I dont want to be like everyone else. Especially “those” grumbly ungrateful, negative people. I want to choose joy ...despite circumstances. 

I’ve noticed some people don’t like happy people. I don’t get “those” people but I hear and see  them often in their attitudes, comments and facial expressions.Lately, I just stay away from them. They are “scratchy” to me. 

Sadly, you can’t make other people choose Joy. 

As I listened to the song, ...and the tears ran, I glanced in the car mirror and sang the words to myself. Out.loud.

 “The person in the mirror doesn't look like the magazine Oh, but when I look at you it's clear to me that...I can see the fingerprints of God, when I look at you, I can see the fingerprints of God, and I know it's true,You're a masterpiece that all creation quietly applauds, and you're covered with the fingerprints of God.
Never has there been and never again will there be another you. Fashioned by God's hand 
And perfectly planned To be just who you are.And what He's been creating Since the first beat of your heart Is a living breathing priceless work of art...”

That preaches. THAT speaks life. THAT heals, comforts, BLESSES....

Friend, you too have the fingerprints of God ALL over you! Believe it! If you’re not there yet, find His words in His Word that help you believe. Settle it today. Literally -no one on Earth loves you or can love you like He does. He created you. Just the way you are! For this time, in this place, in your sphere of influence. Be who you are created to be. And, Don’t blame others if YOU aren’t getting there. Only you can choose to fulfill Your destiny.... no blame, excuses, or jealousy. 

Don’t let the scratchy people~even yourself at times~  make you question that! You are His and You are Perfect the way you are! No one’s opinion even matters.

I’ll be applauding you... and watching! You are a masterpiece! 

Kris Ann Howsley King, too! 

Friday, December 29, 2017

Content con-tent

 End of year 2017.... Well, the kids have all left, the house is back to normal -picked up and too full, yet empty. I’m sitting in my favorite chair with my coffee, my Bible,my dog, and my journal ...and pondering. I am so blessed! Thank you Lord for my family,  for Randy whom I share it all with, for our blessings of life, love, health, friends, work, happiness, and “just enough” to keep our hearts seeking you  for all of it. I’m content with all I have and almost feel guilty for the abundance you’ve given to me. Why me? I don’t know but I truly thank you with my whole heart.

2017 has had great loss and great gain for me and my family. In the end we have You, Lord! You keep me strong, you keep me focused, and you keep me content.  Help me keep sifting through the good, the better, and the best in all things, to become the best me You dreamed of when you created me. Help me spread joy to others, help me to cause no pain, help me to  remain content and full of joy!

2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

My phrase for 2018 is “inspire(d) and content”.

I am, I will be, and I hope to inspire others in their contentment! We are so lucky to be alive and learning. Live, live, LIVE! Thank, thank, THANK! And Love, love LOVE! The key to contentment is choice. Choose it and do it!  That is the training in righteousness. Be taught, be rebuked, be corrected. And you will be trained, be complete, and be equipped ....for every good work He has for you this  next year! You are wealthy if you’re alive! Live FULL!  Let contentment be your con-tent.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Old friend, I've missed you!

Hello old friend! 
I’ve missed you so much! It’s been about 14 years or so since you practically left me- having been a great companion for most of my life. Ushered in by a commercial or touching movie, deep feelings of love, joy, hurt, pain, or gratitude you used to flow from me with greatest of ease! Sometimes I made a noise I never knew but my children did and always turned to see what was grabbing my heartstrings and ushering you in at that moment. Yes friend, I’ve missed you!

 Why did you have to go? You made me feel real. You made me feel alive. You made me feel connected to all things. You made me buy waterproof mascara since I’ve been a mother, keep tissues close by me at all times and make me want to write about what moves me in the moments we share together. I realize hormonal changes made you go away but I’m so thankful you’ve returned at times lately that can’t be explained.

 You were one trait given me by my dad that was very special. So, thanks for showing up again so strong lately. I don’t want to live without you! You make me feel good no matter what the reason for your appearance. You bring my soul peace and warmth I can’t truly or succinctly describe. Yes, I’m grateful for you, TEARS, you are a blessing when you come because I know I’m feeling all the feels I can. I love you, my treasured friend and companion. Please come around more often!

Embrace the journey!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

If you have to toot, go to the bathroom...

If you think of me as a girly girl, you are correct. But if you think of me as a bit edgy, you are correct also. Especially when it comes to things like toots, burps (especially pool water belches),  and the fact that although I love Jesus dearly, sometimes I cuss a little. 

To explain my title, here is a story about my oldest granddaughter, age 5&1/2 at the time, in kindergarten. She had come home from school and stripped down to her underpants to keep cool. Her pupils , younger sister age 3 and I, were anxiously waiting to hear the wise words of our "teacher", standing before us with a little pointer and a list  (actually the 5T, 5T, 5T, 5T, 5T sticker off her new pants) of rules osted on the wall that  we were to follow in her classroom. I obediently listened to
Rule #1-"if you want to say something, raise your hand"
#2- "No talking if you are on the rug"
#3- "If you have to toot, go to the bathroom" ......   BAHAHAHAHA!!! I lost it! Dying crying from laughting so hard, I had to make her pause and just camp there a bit. My daughter came running from the other side of the house to see what all the commotion and laughter was about. I told her the story and she explained that her husband had just had a conversation with said child about how you should not do "such things" out in public now that she was in school or she might be made fun of. I knew there had been NO WAY that her teacher had said that rule out loud in  the midst of her class or it would have erupted like a volcano and never stopped! Oh, believe me, I have gotten miles out of that story!

But it does raise a point for life.Some things are just funny, uncontrollable, and universal!  There are things that should be kept private perhaps but guess what, we ALL do THAT! I think of world leaders, the  best preacher you ever heard, the most graceful actress or super model, even Jesus himself while on the earth since He was completely human and yet God, probably has had to toot at times and didn't want anyone to know. That is just hilarious to me! I think God is exceptionally funny to have designed our bodies to do those things and He had to have meant it for laughter. I can see no other purpose. I guess he could have made them silent, odorless, and handled it another way, but I'm really glad he chose the twerp, splat, puh, bleet, pert, or croak sounds to give us all a brief moment to just get over ourselves. Quick, silent, and deadly or full out long orchestrated TOOOOOT or BEEEELLLLLCCCCCHHH (remember Elf?), it seems that bodily sounds humor is inescapable for any of us. So i just say CELEBRATE IT!!

I know some people are very private about these functions and others are way too quick to share...  but can we just get over ourselves long enough to laugh a little? There are so many ways to acknowledge them... "who cut the cheese?' and "Thanks for sharing" were two of our favorites when I was growing up and while raising my family. You sure did not want to be trapped in a car with one of my relatives in that situation, but they will remain nameless here. Growing up with all sisters, and we were all pretty girly as well as our mom, I did not fully grasp the hilarity and joy of farts until I had a son. And I would not trade the  laughs we have had over them through the years.

If I've offended, I'm sorry, but if I've helped you lighten up a bit, great! This is one of those elephants in the room that no one ever talks about really. Especially a girly girl who is rather prudish for the most part and would probably die of embarrassment if she ever did this out in public. Regardless, it’s just funny, and no one can really change my mind on that! Don't forget -the Teacher said, If you have to toot, go to the bathroom"... or just let it fly and crack up til your sides hurt!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The MOMster

She loved kids. She had kids. Then, She did not love all kids as much, but she really loved her kids. Then, her kids, kids. She is me. I am she. The Kooki Momster.

She is all things mom. Crafts, late nights weary, playdates, cookies, lots of laughter and some tears…. Sharing stories. She would rather talk to them and hear their take on this old world and thing called life than anyone. Learn she did in all the discussions, as much about herself as them. More about God than about the actual people in the story. A Creator extraordinaire! And she got to be a part of three of His creation stories.

What a joy! This ride called parenting is exhilarating and exhausting, hopeful and daunting, certainly not for the faint of heart. Determination must be summoned daily. She often found hope in the mantra “ The idea of being a mother still appeals to me, the idea of being a mother still appeals to me, …. The idea of being a mother still appeals to me” as she rocked herself back and forth, back and forth, reminding herself that her love can help her do it. After all, she has a Great Example of a Parent, who never gives up and endures all  childish ways that threaten to break His heart.

She hangs on their every word, waiting for a jewel to remember this moment forever. She writes them down so she can recall it when the days are long gone and the child is grown. Her favorite name, her favorite but most challenging role…. Mom.

For all those who do this job, i salute you. There is no one right way, we all do the best we can along the way as it plays out. No way to predict the challenges, joys or lessons He gives each one of us through our kiddos. But, blessed are we in every one of them! She feels left out and she feels a part of everything they do…. And longs to know about it all.

If I could do it over, I would not change a thing except that it go slower…. It is what it is and we get to go along for the ride…. Best one ever! Embracing the journey of motherhood, all that it is!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Embracing the patriotic journey

I am a very proud American! In saying that, I must clarify.... I am happy to be an American and say I'm from here but I'm rather sad about the place right now. Why have we turned from the high ideals we were founded on? Christian principles were our foundation but being the home of the free has turned us into the home of the "free for all"! Do what you want, don't mind others and sure don't worry about what God would think about it! It's alarming how quickly we have strayed from the foundational ideals and principles, less than 250 years later! 
Children are often abused,  neglected and abandoned, unless they were aborted. Marriages are thrown away every moment for the next better thing..... Just like an electronic that is not the newest model. We as a people take no individual responsibility and are always looking for someone else to blame.... For everything we do! 
So many things are disrupted in life just because of these three things. But the list of Americas troubles is way longer than this. I guess my rose colored glasses are off and while I'm still a proud American, I'm not real proud of Americans!

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. "

How very sad that we aren't all "under God", we certainly are divided and liberty and justice are for the squeakiest wheels or whoever has the most money or best lawyer. 

As a mostly positive personal outlook type, I can only speak for myself. I WILL live up to that pledge by myself if I have to. I'll BE  the only American with those ideals if need be. ...... But I sure hope I won't be alone. Wake up America! Return to our roots and we can once again all be proud of our country ...and our fellow countrymen. 

So, thank God for America, live under His ideals, care for everyone, work together, be the change you want to see in others, stand up for your beliefs, and walk the path of our forefathers so we can be One nation, under God, again! Take the journey to patriotism! Embrace it and fly that flag high! 

We ARE blessed, start living like it!