Thursday, May 2, 2019

C.R.A.S.E. the Crane

This might look like a huge mess to you but to me it looks like a challenge that I couldn't wait to get into! You see, 5  years ago I decided to “colorize” my house. I had no idea what that meant exactly but I went shopping, found a few things to decorate my walls and threw out some colorful pillows.

Little did I know that in two months I would go to an event that would change my life and explain the reason for my sudden need for lots of color everywhere! In June 2014 I went on a Walk to Emmaus pilgrimage retreat. I came back from that with not only a renewed sense of purpose but a God-sized dream in front of me that I could not wait to get started on. He gave me a  vision of a Ministry He wanted me to do, but very few details!

Over the next 5 years God and I did a lot of work on me~ in my heart and  in my thoughts. I knew I was in a holding pattern on the ministry… the only things I knew was the name I would use and the targeted people group I was to serve. “West Texas BLEST”—- going out to small West Texas Towns.

In February of 2018 He gave me a mascot to use for myself in ministry! The mascot was in the form of a grey “crowned crane”, standing with her leg up~ ready, willing and waiting to be obedient when He told her where to put her foot down (go) and when to do it (perfect timing). I told a few people about this and over the course of the last year have worked  the “crane” mascot story into a few of my speaking engagements.

Fast forward to March of 2019 ~on an ordinary Saturday~ when I got one hour to myself,  completely, and decided to go to one of my favorite old stomping grounds for the last 30 years or so ~Sam Moon Jewelry, Handbags, Luggage & Gifts~ in Dallas. I love costume jewelry! A bobble here and a bobble there always can make my heart happy so I went there  looking to see if there was a new trend of bracelet -necklace -earring ~something that I might like to get. For the first time in my life I noticed the “clearance rack” at Sam Moon! Suddenly, I found a necklace with a crane with lots of colorful bubbles all over the front of her and her leg was up! This is the stance that you have got to take if you are wanting to do God's will but you haven't already heard from Him what the next thing is!

So I bought all that they had and decided that if gals resonate with that idea that they could be a “C.R.A.S.E.” girl- a crazy crane girl like me~ who's hoping for the clear and direct instruction from God for finding their  purpose~ I would have this little “Ebenezer” - a reminder of God’s help for them- to wear and serve as a prompt to tell others about their obedience/faith journey. An “Ebenezer” reminding them to wait for instruction but get busy preparing their hearts and being obedient to wait for His timing. In my ‘waiting’ journey, REST in Him ~which means Really Engaged Soul Training~ was paramount!I had to prepare because when He “calls” us and tells us it's time, we've got to be ready to move.

I'm so thankful I got to go alone and was not in a hurry because I would have totally missed this darling heaven-hug,  God-wink, Omnipotent Nod! I would have been rushed to go in, look and leave.
When I checked out, several of the necklaces had gotten in a tangled mess in the bottom of the basket. I tried to separate them at the check-out but didn't have time to do it so I just told the clerk to put them in a bag and I’d deal with it later. I think it kind of freaked her out that I wasn't too bothered about it, but I saw it as a project that me and God could talk through. I would gain even more insight from from this massive heap of crane necklace mess!

Back in November 2018, when I chose my word for the coming year, I had already sensed God telling me to take off a bracelet I've been wearing for the last two-and-a-half years that said “be still”.
I knew He’d had me in the season of waiting but when He told my spirit in October that I was going to step out in January of 2019 to this ministry He had called me to, I knew that my word for the year was going to be “STEP”. In Colossians 3:16 it gives a great message about taking those steps and how we are  to do that is on a path with other people, holding us accountable, doing it with Thanksgiving, Joy and Song!

This messy pile of necklaces not only means that I now have a fun thing to offer people when they hear my story about my crane ~which, by the way, I saw cranes all over Israel last April and He confirmed in my spirit that this is indeed the mascot I'm supposed to have for my ministry~ but God takes our tangled messes and slowly, methodically, carefully separates out the problems and makes it crystal clear that our journey is not our own but entangled with lots of other lives! We are to go down the path together, helping each other to fulfill our purpose!

I hope that you will join me in my “C.R.A.S.E crane” , Ebenezer's Journey, where we will explore all the different things God has for you and for me in fulfilling our purpose. Life is good but God is better!  Let's get “CRASE” for Him and be willing, ready and obedient for our call when it comes. Like the Crane-We are Crowned, have Radiant personalities, are Anointed  followers of Christ, to be Servants, Eagerly awaiting to “do our thing”.  If you look for Jesus, even in the messy things of life~eyes, even a pile of tangled necklaces~you will find Him! He ALWAYS shows up!



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