Monday, January 23, 2012

Embracing the reality

This fall, as I was driving to the South Plains Fair to eat a yummy burger and volunteer at the Redbud Lions Club booth, I had an epiphany! I realized that one of the many reasons I thought my family was "rich" when I was a child was that I got to go to the fair every year and dad gave me money to spend there, seemingly without end. We got to eat what we wanted, ride what we wanted, and go as many times as we wanted over the week of the Fair! I realize that may not signify great "wealth" to many, I mean, a local Fair? But to me.... that's one of the things that made my childhood magical, fun, and exciting. It provided a LOT of great memories, too.
The reality is not that we were rich with Money, but very rich with family, tradition, activities, and the simple pleasures we experienced. SO upon this further reflection I decided I was right. I think we are more than rich, we were WEALTHY!!
Embracing the journey to reality in this area?, I think I will leave that one right where it is....along with magical christmases, vacations, and family gatherings, deep in my mind.....Fiflthy, stinking RICH!!!!

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